The Great Give Back
If you never initiate a WORRYNOMORE® claim that results in a technician visit or replacement through the duration of your coverage period we will give you 100% of your furniture protection plan price in the form of a voucher towards your next furniture purchase at a Macy's or Bloomingdale's Furniture store.
With your purchase of your protection Plan, you are receiving the GREAT GIVE BACK offer, so that if you do not initiate a claim or otherwise obtain service under this Plan during the terms of coverage, you are eligible to receive a Macy’s Voucher valued at the original worrynomore Protection Plan price redeemable at a Macy’s for indoor furniture, outdoor furniture, rug or mattress departments. You can obtain your Voucher at the end of your service plan terms by visiting this website or by calling 8OO-916-6229 and completing the GREAT GIVE BACK form within ninety (9O) days after expiration of the Plan. Your Voucher will be mailed to you within thirty (3O) days of receipt of your request. The Voucher must be used within ninety (9O) days of the date mailed. This Great Give Back offer is being offered to you by the Macy’s and is the sole responsibility of the retailer. The voucher is redeemable on Furniture, Outdoor, Mattresses and Rugs purchases only. Any questions or inquiries concerning this offer should be directed to the 1-800-916-6229.